Standlee Apple Berry Cookie Cubes®


Standlee Premium Western Forage Apple/Berry Cookie Cubes are treats made with cranberries infused with apple juice and Timothy Grass and Alfalfa forages. 

Recommended For:

Cookie Cubes should be fed in moderation as a treat or as a training reward for horses or other animals.

Feeding Directions

Standlee Apple/Berry Cookie Cubes are designed to provide a nutritious reward for horses and other animals.

  • Apple/Berry Cookie Cubes will not imbalance a horse's daily dietary regimen.
  • Should not be fed as a sole source of nutrition, feed only as a reward for positive reinforcement or because your equine friend asked for them.
  • Not recommended for horses with dental issues.
  • Never feed moldy or insect infested treats to horses.
  • Always provide free-access to fresh, clean water.

If you have questions, please contact the nutritionists at Standlee Premium Western Forage, or consult with your veterinarian.


  • All natural
  • Nutritious
  • Specially packaged to stay fresh
  • Preservative and chemical free


Crude Protein Min 12%
Crude Fat Min 1.5%
Crude Fiber Max 32%
Dietary Starch Max 1.6%
Sugar Max 7%
Fructan Max 5%


Naturally Sun-Cured Premium Western Alfalfa Forage, Naturally Sun-Cured Premium Western Timothy Grass Forage, Cranberries, Apple Juice, Sunflower Oil, Bentonite

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